Tuesday, 3 April 2012

I'm back! ♥

Shalom readers! (:

It's really been a month I didn't post out anything. Sorry. I've been a bit busy this lately.
So, we have been in April (: Good to know that and one of the day is my day. I'm still wonder how it would be. 

Never mind. Let we proceed with other things. Hmmm... so far..I've been through a lot of circumstances in last month and I almost gives up with those things )): The surroundings, the pressures and every thing made me had no way to count with. Thanks to God 'cause He always be there for me when I'm in need (': Though I've been through hard but March's did good to me.

Now, I hope this April will be more good to me. I don't wish or demand much. I just want people that I love are happy with their own life. Live happily ever after. 

Right now, I want to focus of my own. But don't think that I'm selfish. Think positive babe (: 
People are getting grow up. You know what you do, you know what is good and bad, right or wrong. Don't let people keep reminding you. For me, I need an advice, courage and supports (: I don't demand much 'cause I know what I need in my life. 

In moment like this, i need more love to put myself all together. My love had scattered into pieces and I don't know how I'm gonna put it all together back. =/

I know that when I gives everything to God. Let it happen like He wanted. Nothing is impossible (: I believe in Him. Everything that happened has its own reason. So now, I just need to do my part (: Thank you, Lord for everything that you have given to us, what our needs. Let the things that happens according to You. (:


Sweet Love from me

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