Wednesday, 25 January 2012

I'm still newbies (:

Shalom readers! ^^
Guess what? I'm started to LOVE more on photography (: Time passes by so quickly, I still can't manage my schedule. There's a lot of things I wanna do in my to-do-list. Pheww~ I'm tired being tired. Plus I thinks too much this few days and daydreaming a LOTSA~! Damn! But thanks God cause I can handle those things smoothly. 

Back to the started, well.. I wanna show you guys some pictures that I had taken by my Canon EOS 1100D. 
I maybe did some mistakes but I did try my best already. I know that I'm still gonna learn more on photography. 
I hope you guys like it (: Enjoy!

I really look like a childish person. Just look at my face >< HEHE. I even don't know how to describe myself. But SERIOUSLY~ I love people who can makes me LAUGH >< cause I love being HAPPY

Sweet Love from me 

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